Despite all the Corona perils, the anniversary committee can report that we are still completely on schedule for a fantastic celebration of our 50th anniversary as Morgan Sports Car Club Holland on 19, 20 and 21 August 2022.
It is of course a road with obstacles; where previously the work discussions in preparation for the event still took place in “de Witte Bergen” or at another branch with toucan, some time ago we had to switch back to “Self Catering” at one of the committee members at home because the catering industry was forced to close its doors .
But the day before our last work meeting, in the cozy home of a committee member in Amsterdam, the allowed group size in domestic circles was also restricted by our prime minister to such an extent that that was no longer possible and we had to switch to a “meeting” via Microsoft Teams ( that is for those who do not have Zoom shares). Fortunately, we have an “all round” ICT guru on board in Martin Barkel in the committee and it went smoothly.
This unintentionally resulted in Els Hoekstra and Henk Steevens having to eat pumpkin soup for the rest of the following week, because the centuries-old family recipe of this seasonal bestseller prepared with love by Henk could not be consumed by the rest of the anniversary committee. We had to do it at home in sight of the webcam with a slice of sticky cake and a cup of coffee ………….
But don't worry, because as said we are getting closer to the final goal step by step!
First of all, as has been known for some time, we have a beautiful location on the Veluwe! We have a program and a nice design for a badge. The quotes for the badge have been received, as well as those for the clothing line that you will be able to order later, with of course that beautiful lustrum logo !! Now fill in a few more details and smooth out some folds and the registration can begin …….
If you read all this in the glossy Christmas edition 2020 of our Fatamorgana, you can now find all this information and all details about it on the special website which was created, built and is now live for the lustrum. put. You will find on this e.g. the entire program and if you read that, you may realize that you will be able to subscribe to it later, in 2021, per part, of your choice. As mentioned, this option will be “put live” later in the course of 2021 when all details are complete and you can therefore register in detail per program part and for example. the order of your lustrum badge! However, you will already find a page “register” on this lustrum website and we would like to ask you to fill it in now especially if you are seriously planning to participate in the lustrum weekend in 2022.
This registration is now completely without obligation and therefore does not oblige you to anything, but gives us an insight into the interest. In the “comments box” you may be able to let us know if you would like to participate in the sport class, so that we also get some insight into the interest in this part of the program that we will have provided by a professional organization.
The end of an eventful and memorable year is in sight. The lustrum committee is enthusiastically continuing to organize our party in 2022. You can help us; register now, vaccinate in spring 2021!
We wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and a safe New Year in good health!
The Lustrum Committee.
Martin Barkel
Els Hoekstra
Rob Veeger
P.S. As you may have seen, the site is also built in the English language. We would therefore like to encourage you to share the link of the site with friends and relations, certainly also abroad, via email or social media. Via the button “details” on the registration page it is also possible to invite a friend ………….